Labyrinth of Ruin

Customer Reviews:

From New York Times, best-selling author Anthony Ryan: Your expertise in horseracing shines through in “Labyrinth of Ruin,” offering readers a unique and thrilling perspective on dragon racing. It’s true what they say: write about what you know. Your dedication to crafting authentic and engaging stories is evident, and I’m sure readers of all ages will be captivated by your imaginative world.

Perfect for ALL Ages!!! by Valleri: Labyrinth of Ruin is a wonderful book for all ages! I adore Jackson, the boy with a huge heart. Same with Jackson’s mom, Lorelei. Such a wise woman, and one who has the back of every member of her family. And the dragons!! I found myself laughing one moment, and holding my breath the next at their antics! I know I will read this book again and again.

Twists, turns and plenty of tension by George Cramer: I was fortunate to grab an ARC copy and read this appealing and exciting story. I highly recommend it.

Casual Lies – A Triple Crown Adventure

Editorial Reviews:

The writer’s personal style makes it clear this is much more than the recounting of one horse’s racing career. There is genuine affection by the author for the horse, and a richness of detail and authenticity. The anecdotes are both personal, informative and humorous. There is also an appreciation for the sleek beauty of a finely tuned racehorse. The photo gallery is a nice touch.


Trainer Shelley Riley guides us down her own life path from horse-obsessed girl to history-making woman ─ who in 1992 up-ended a male-dominated sport by becoming the first of her gender to saddle a starter in all three American Triple Crown races. The horse who took her there was Casual Lies, a $7,500 auction bargain, whose outsized heart was magnificently revealed under Riley’s patient and loving care.

Customer Reviews:

Casual Lies – A Triple Crown Adventure by Sharon DeLoach: I read this book in just a few days. This book shows the inside story and is a great read. It is a story of courage, love and perseverance. I fell in love with Casual Lies or Stanley as the owner nicknamed him. I also felt the immense love and dedication that Shelley Riley had toward her horse.

For Those Who Like Horse Racing by kb1: I purchased this book because I have always enjoyed watching horses run, whether on a race track or when open and free. I finished the book just before attending the Kentucky Derby. Although I have had the pleasure of being around horses and having some access to the stabling areas at some minor races, it gave me so much more insight into what goes into purchasing, training. and the decisions that must be made when deciding when, where, and whether to race a horse. Then there are the things one cannot plan for.
The author, Shelley Riley, was married to a jockey and was one of the first women trainers to have a horse vie for the Triple Crown. I enjoyed her writing style and insight to the horse racing world. Casual Lies is not just a good story about the personality of the horse, the bond that grew between the trainer and her horse, it is also educational.

It’s Like No Other by Lisa Johnson: I ate this story up with soooo many memories of being at the track! Shelley and Jim Riley worked their butts off for years, side by side, day by day, year by year. She captured and made visual the ins and outs of a small training stable that made it to the big dance, something all of us little people in the horse racing business dream about. Not much else compares to horse racing, in my opinion. There are no higher highs than winning and no loss as big as losing a horse. She really listened to Stanley, made life right for him, was able to make him the star and do the right thing for them all. I’m not a writer so I can’t even start to critique this, other than she let the general public in on their lives in a spectacular way. I hope she inspires someone to come into the business. It’s like no other. Thank you Shelley!

Casual Lies…What a Character by marmmm: This memoir was so entertaining for me, it reads like really good fiction and yet it was a true story. I could imagine myself watching it on the Disney Chanel some night. The best part for me is how the character of this horse jumps off the page, makes me wish I could of met him. While the author leaves no doubt in your mind about how she loved and admired Casual Lies, she doesn’t hesitate to admit what a stroke of luck it was when she stumbled across him at a horse sale in Kentucky.
Well edited and easy to read. The author takes the reader along on her amazing adventure. She shares charming, funny and surprising stories along the way. I learned so many things that I didn’t know about horses and horse racing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it is a great read for anyone, of any age, male or female. I have bought four copies to give to family and friends!!


Into Madness – Born From Stone Saga #1


Customer Reviews:

Full of Surprises and Wonderful Character by George Cramer: I’m not generally a fan or reader of fantasy, but a friend suggested that I might enjoy this story and the writer’s craftmanship. I ordered a copy, and it sat for two weeks before I opened it up. Immediately intrigued, I read as fast as time allowed. The first impression was of warmth and comfort, not fear of the unknown. Ravin, while brash, helped me relax, and I immediately liked her. She, her mother, and several unexpected allies face an evil man. Despite the dangerous places, Ravin finds herself; the writer manages to extricate her in the most believable maneuvers.
The story was for a younger crowd, but as a senior citizen, I was pleased beyond what I could ever imagine. Reading the last line found me furious. I wanted more, and I wanted it now. I recommend Into Madness to readers of ages and levels.

Such an Intriguing Premise! by Valleri: Into Madness is the first book in the Born From Stone series, and is based on such an intriguing premise! It tells of the imprisonment of Princess Ravin and her mother by Grigorii, who has killed their father/husband and declared himself king.
I absolutely loved the brash Ravin, who tends to get herself into trouble, and her wise mother, Delinda. There is also Delinda’s brother, who is a healer previously living in a monastery. I found the medieval world they live in fascinating (and it makes me grateful I didn’t live during that time. 😄)
Gregorii’s son, Brakken, is a bit puzzling. Is he a bad guy or a good guy? And what is the mysterious force that seems to bind him to Ravin?
I’m eager to read the next book in the series. I’m ready to dive back into the medieval world of kings, queens, castles … and maybe a dragon. I recommend Into Madness for teens, on up to senior citizens.

An exciting read that will keep you up ’til the wee hours! by Sheryl: If you like lots of magic, adventure, dragons and fairies, you’ll love this novel. It’s a suspenseful page turner, a tale with lots of twists and turns. Ravin, a teenage princess, is the focus of the story along with her mother and queen, as well as a religious Brother, a healer. Their kingdom has fallen. As the book begins, we learn that they have been captured by an evil king who earlier had conquered their realm. He also had killed Ravin’s father, the rightful king, in battle. Held captives in their own castle, they hope to escape. This first volume of the series left me eager to read more. I can’t wait for the second book!

A true coming-of-age story with lots of twists by D. Bernal: A young woman, desperate to save her kingdom, begins her journey to becoming the leader her people need. The characters are well drawn—I was immersed into the story right away. I couldn’t wait to see what trouble Ravin would get herself into, and how she’d get herself out. A true coming-of-age story wrapped in a fictional world where not all is as it seems. I kept turning the page. Young Adult and adults should really enjoy this first book in the saga. I know I did.