May 23, 2024 Why Rate or Review a Book

While I planned on sharing another short story for this week’s ‘My Thoughts’ entry, I came across a cartoon by author Shami Stovall on my Facebook feed, and to say that I felt a deep connection to its subject matter would be an understatement.

For those avid readers among us, I’m sure you’re pretty familiar with the one thing you will likely find at the end of any book besides The End. Invariably, you’ll come across a heartfelt request from the author for a review or rating.

The majority of us barely notice it and move on. However, as I have published several books, a memoir, short stories, and two novels, I have come to understand how difficult ratings and reviews are to come by.

Why is that?

Since I am not a pollster, I can only answer for myself, and that answer would be long and convoluted. But I will say this: when I read a book that I’m sad to see come to an end or affects me in some other way, I feel compelled to at least rate it.

This brings me to the cartoon. I could go on and on about why readers should take the few seconds needed to rate a book. However, this cartoon does a far better job and in far fewer words than I would use. Created by Shami Stovall

While no writer likes a negative review, we learn from them. Kind, thoughtful, and constructive critiques nourish a serious writer. However, one-star ratings without a review seem cruel. Tell an author where they went wrong, at least for you. Remember that what took you hours or a few days to read may have taken the author weeks, months, and even years to create.

Shami Stovall is a published author and talented artist. Check her out at Shami’s website:

Thank you for visiting my website. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question; I read and respond to each one. Rest assured that I will never use or abuse your information. You can look forward to another short story next week. It is long, so I may have to serialize it over more than one week’s entry.

In the meantime, let me know your thoughts about the cover change for Casual Lies—A Triple Crown Adventure. I received many positive remarks about this beautiful photo by Bob Benoit of Benoit Photography. It was taken by Bob outside of Woody Stephen’s Barn at Belmont Racetrack in New York just before the Belmont Stakes.

Bob was kind enough to present me with a photo journal that he personally took of Casual Lies and his team throughout our Triple Crown Adventure.

1 Comment

  1. I came across Shami Stovall’s drawing this morning and marveled at how easily she shows what an author’s day can look like.
    Reviews are easy to make, but most readers neglect this vital part of the process writers need for success and growth.
    One-star reviews can be valuable if the reviewer takes the time to explain why they felt that way. I think jerks who leave anonymous one-star reviews with no explanation should be banned.
    I will be following Ms. Stovall from here on.

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